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Welcome To Farvardin Subspecialty Surgery Center

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Treatment of various diseases

chalazion ,eyelid cyst,refractive errors,Cataracts,ptosis,eylid repair

The best doctors

The best ophthalmologists and subspecialists in vitreous, retina, aberration, pediatrics, cornea

Subspecialty surgeries

Fico, glaucoma, shunt, strabismus, probing, DCR, blepharoplasty surgeries

Medical wards

surgery ward (Inpatient), eye operations room, cashier, laboratory, pre-operation ward, reception

Farvardin Subspecialty Surgery Center

Special Number: 07132100
Working hours: non-holiday days from 7 am to 8 pm

Doctors Work With Us

Experience The Best Service

In Farvardin subspecialty surgery center, you will receive all the stages of treatment completely and comprehensively. These steps include diagnosing the disease, treating the disease until the end of post-treatment care


Disease Cureness

Post-treatment care

introduction video

IPD Introduction

Educational Content

Eye and Orbit Tumors

Eye and Orbit Tumors: These tumors can develop from infancy and may appear suddenly or gradually in later decades. Most of these tumors are superficial and can easily be diagnosed through external appearance, palpation, radiography, or CT scan. Drooping eyelids are significantly noticeable, and vision functions are impaired. These tumors do not invade surrounding tissues. […]


?What is Avestin Avestin is injectable drug to show the progression of disease and cause vision los in patients with retinal problems due to diabetes,machler degeneration , and age-related retinal detachment. :Avestin Perfomance avestin prevents the growth of abnormal blood vessels. :Pre -injection care of Avestin Use drug prescribed by doctor Do not apply eye [...]

Refractive Error Surgeries

Refractive Error Surgeries Refractive error surgeries are elective procedures used to correct refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia) and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. Laser vision correction alters the eye’s primary visual function and comes with risks. Refractive surgery does not change the natural aging process of the eye. If the goal is to meet visual requirements […]


Punctum What are the symptoms of dry eyes? If someone has dry eyes, they may also experience some of the following symptoms: A feeling of pain Eye fatigue Eye discomfort The eye may feel burning Blurry vision Itchy eyes Redness of the eyes, and in some cases, the eyes may feel heavy Sensitivity to light […]

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